Sunday, December 5, 2010

So Close Yet So Far

Tonight I drove Erik to the airport after a great weekend together. We have hit such a great rhythm and I'm so happy with how we are lately. It wasn't until Erik got to Chicago that we began talking about how he could have called in and stayed here with me since he is on reserve this week. As I always do I told myself to assume it wouldn't happen but couldn't help but think of the possibilities. It would have given us 11 days together. 11 days of being together is UNHEARD of in the aviation industry. It would have been much longer than any amount of time we have had since he started at an airline. It would have probably been more time then we will get for a long time to come. Needless to say I got really excited as the mere possibility. Having this be such a stressful pre-finals week as it is, it would have been amazing to have him here to help me not lose it as I always inevitably do. Then as if it had been planned LoneStar's I'm Already There  came on...I used to love that song but as of late it always makes me cry...i wonder why. As I sit in bed with the zoo around me I can't help but look at all the adjustments and growing this year has brought on. I am much stronger now then I was in February but I still have not gotten the hang of keeping my hopes in check. I love him and after we made it through what we have this year I have no doubt we can make it through almost anything. Through the good, the bad and the ugly we will lean on each other for support. Now I just have to suck it up and study hard for finals. Weeks like these make me wish we could live near each other. Dead week and finals week are always such bad weeks for me.

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