Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Psyche of a Break Up

 Today I went to get my hair colored, as I sat in the chair I started thinking about the emotions and actions people go through when a relationship ends. I have never colored my hair before and can't really say that before a few days ago I had even considered it. But I got the idea in my mind and I did it and the further into the process I got the more I began to smile and feel like a weight was lifted. I had seen this particular hair dresser about a week or two earlier to get my hair cut so we had talked about the break up and school and so seeing me back in her chair didn't seem so strange. I have heard many people's stories of break ups and the things they did when it happened. I've been told to destroy his stuff, burn his stuff, sell his stuff, I've heard it all. I don't know what I am going to do, I know I won't send it to him and make it easy for him but I am not ready to deal with it yet. I don't know why I woke up one day and felt a strong need to change. I feel like a teenager who is rebelling and trying to push the limits but the limits are my own. I like the feeling I have right now. I feel like I can do anything and I want to prove it. I think that not only will this break up make me stronger but it will make me a better person. In my first "relationship" I lost myself by taking interest in things he was interested, planes, whiskey and sci-fi movies. In my second relationship I lost myself in "us" and the idea of forever. I want to find a man who can support me and love me without in the end losing "me" I am very curious about what happens in a person's mind during a break up that makes them snap and do things they would normally not spend time doing but I am greatful to be going through it. I am becoming a better version of myself and if losing him is what it took to make it happen then it is a sacrifice I am happy to make.
       Recently I have been in a major "nesting" phase. I have gone through drawers, thrown things out and felt so good about it. I bought a new bed set, got the hair and plan to get a tattoo that I've wanted for a while. Each decision I have thought over long and hard. I am making sure that each change and decision I make is for me and not a rebellion to the break up. I feel as though he gave me the best opportunity I could have been given. At first I felt overwhelmed by not having a plan, not knowing where to move, what job I will get, etc. However, once I got back to school I felt better about it. Finally for the first time since I began my freshman year at Purdue I am doing exactly what I want. I am living my life for me. I had planned "our" life and how "we' would make it work together. Now I am doing things I have wanted to do for years and put off. I offcially began my bucket list. I plan to do at least 3 things off the list every year. This year I plan to get a tattoo, go sky diving and I haven't decided on the 3rd one I will do. 
      Many people have told me I am not "dealing with it" and that one day it will hit me. In the beginning I hoped we could fix things and end up together but I no longer feel that way. The man I loved is gone and the person who took his place is not a person I could ever be with. We are remaining friendly-ish. I have deleted his phone number from my phone and I don't text him but from time to time he texts me. It is awkward and I think it's all too fresh to really be friends right now but I don't feel the need to delete him from my life forever. I feel like he did me a favor by leaving. I have a new definition of what I want out of a man and I have more respect for myself.  I think I am dealing with it very well. I am moving on. No I don't have someone to parade around town, I'm not jumping into bed with the first guy who offers, no I don't delete him or burn his stuff but I am over it. I see the pictures and status updates and yes it stings but after the initial sting I push it out of my mind. I want him to be happy. I also want the rabbit fanged homewrecking whore to not be the person he is happy with but if it is so what. I know there is someone out there for me and I will find him and this won't matter. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I need a vacation...

Through all of this I have felt that I am dealing quite well. I have realized that the reason I haven't missed him and felt what I expected to feel was that he has changed so completely. Literally over night he became a man I didn't know or recognize. I felt like the man I love was gone and it is hard for me to imagine him ever coming back. I have felt anger and just general lack of emotion. I didn't want him back and I have been making a lot of progress getting his stuff out of the way and getting this semester organized. I was more then excited to begin classes, got my apartment organized and even began making calls to get the cats up to date on all their vet things. Two nights ago I had two dreams. One in which I married him, I saw the planning, the preparation and the actual wedding. it felt like the best dream ever. After falling back asleep I had a much darker dream and no I was not the victim. I ended up having to watch tv before falling asleep because I was so freaked out. That morning I realized I am more conflicted subconsciously then I am any other time. Yesterday I made plans to go out felt like I was really moving on. It was great. This morning I woke up and could not get out of bed. I hadn't had any dreams, Thank God! but the feeling I woke up with made me wish I could trade it in for the worst dream imaginable. I miss him. I want to one day have a chance to put all the broken pieces back together. That's not the part that hurts... it hurts to know that what used to be my pilot is now dating a FA and the odds are even if we have the chance I may never be able to overcome that betrayal. I also don't think that after changing so drastically he will ever be the man I wanted to spend my life with. All this being said I will go out, have fun, date guys, and one day move on. I just need to force myself to realize that the man I love no longer exists.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why am I not feeling anything?

So, it's been over a week now and I still feel nothing. I think about it over and over. I think of him dating someone new. I think of my future without him. I think about taking care of the zoo with out him. I think about everything I can imagine...nothing! Sure, I have moments where it hurts, I have moments I am mad but 95% of the time...nothing. After 2.5 years of dating and 4.5 years of loving him...nothing. Everyone who knows me knows the amount of love and emotion I put into him and us, everyone thinks it's shock or that i'm not being realistic but that's not it. I am being as raw and realistic as I can. I want to be mad, I want to cry. I want to be so hurt that I am over him or at least upset enough to stop wanting to be his friend. I honestly don't think we will get back together. I think he is over me and will not come back in any way, shape or form. Why do I still want to be his friend? Why can't I feel ANYTHING!?!?! If I honestly am the type of person to not care until I find someone else I love then I will thank God every day. I don't want the pain but I want to feel something. I have heard songs that say "I'd rather feel pain then nothing at all" I never fully understood until now. I feel like after everything I should feel something. I don't want to be naive or stupid. I want to feel something. I want to feel something. More than anything I want to feel what I used to but if that is not in the cards I want to feel something. Everyone hope and keep me in your prayers that I feel something soon.