Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Savor every fleeting moment

As I sit up to what will no doubt be another sleepless night I read a blog that has come to mean a lot to me. One post she made before the chaos and the nightmare began she wrote about how you need to appreciate every fleeting moment because you never know how many chances you will get again. Given the circumstances it is a very daunting post to read but the message is very true. You never know how much time you have with someone. Any number of things can happen. Tomorrow all the things you hold dear could be taken away from you with no chance to get it back. I'm making a new years resolution starting now. I will appreicate every moment I have and I will look for the good in things. With all the stress in my life these days I find myself overwhelmed and terrified that things will disappear or not end up how I hope they will. Like I have said in the past, I want to live in faith, not in fear. That is my new years revolution/ life goal.

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