Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Shiloh Pepin- Mermaid Girl

"you never know unless you try. Just remember it's what's inside that makes you a star. I'm scared for this big step in my life but you never know it might be another good opportunity." -Mermaid Girl 

May 2009-
 Mermaid girl made the decision not to surgically separate her legs. Ultimately this little 10 year old girl made the decision to stay the way she was. She was planning on attending summer camp even though she was scared and admitted to her mom she wasn't sure if she was ready for that big step in her life but decided to attend because she felt it could be a new opportunity.  That summer she went away to summer camp, 2 hours away from her parents. As her parents drove her to camp she applied lip gloss dressed head to toe in pink with excitement and optimism as she told her dad "you always have to look good" When nurses had trouble getting her waste bags attached she read the instructions out loud, never once feeling self conscious as she told them how to care for her.  

I first became mesmerized by Shiloh Pepin when I first saw her TLC special. I watched this young girl's happiness with life spill over to those around her. I saw this girl who had every right to be pissed off at the world and to stay in her room all day and hide instead she blossomed and became outgoing always looking for new friends. People teased me as I grew to actually love Mermaid girl and soon it didn't become strange to have her brought up in random conversations. Her whole day was started in a happy way by matching her outfit to her one sock. Rather than avoid her disability she makes it the focal point of her outfit. Her very existance has been debated and many people think the parents are irresponsible for bringing her to term. I however, think that her presence on earth was meant to show people that if this little girl could face her challenges with happiness and optimism than perhaps the problems we all bitch about really aren't that big. 

Shiloh Pepin died in October 2009 after developing a lung infection. When I heard about this I really felt like the world lost someone very special. I still don't understand how she stayed so optimistic. Erik, bless his soul, humors my mermaid girl fascination and seems to understand why I think she is so special.  Tonight as I watch the documentary on the last 6 months of her life.  

Whenever you think you have it bad look at those around you suffering more and realize that you have it great. Make the most of everyday! You don't know when it will be your last. 

1 comment:

  1. yes i think she is right, you must treat you and everyone aruond you with the most respect possible as if they were to die at midnight, make your life the happiest anyone can be.
