Monday, February 15, 2010

it's only 6:30

I am soooo bored! There is so much stuff I COULD be doing but since passing out for a couple hours I feel disgusting and don't want to move. Cali and I just finished a slacker dinner of Quiche  and might have popcorn you wanted to know but like I previously stated I am very bored! It's almost like the animals have realized that Erik should be home already, Cali is staring at me like I'm holding out on her since she hasn't gotten to play her hand game today, Goober chased me around and sat with me for like 20 min which usually doesn't happen until he wants to sleep. Even our space cadet, Gidget paces between my legs purring and won't leave me alone! It hasn't sunk in yet that it'll be at least 6 weeks until I get to see Erik so it's been relatively easy but we'll see once it dawns on me that he's not gone for a week.

...hun, it just occurred to me that the longest we've spent without a night together has been 2 weeks this winter, haha. Man I've been spoiled! Even though people think it's crazy and maybe we should have done the whole see each other a few times a week dating thing I'm glad we skipped it. :-) I'm glad I got as much time as I have with you! Now it's like when you didn't know I liked you haha lot's of texts and technology!

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