Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So, here's a story line for the next fairy tale. Girl loves boy, boy loves girl. Girl and boy date for a while and tell each other they will grow old together, Girl and boy hit a rough patch because temporary long distance is not easy. Boy leave girl because he doesn't love her anymore. Boy starts dating an evil cankle skank whore immediately after making the girl feel like he left her for the cankle skank whore. Boy tells girl he failed her and should have stayed and listened rather then leave. Girl gets hopeful thinking he might come back. Boy says he can't say if he will or not. Girl gets hurt and and angry because there's nothing she can do to show him that he should come back. Girl pours her heart out to him telling him how hard it is to stay hopeful while she sees pictures of him kissing cankle skank and off on the beach with her. Boy hears girl not being as sure of thier future and tells her that she needs to be confident and positive about something. Wait, hang on...really? April, be confident and positive about things...while I crawl into bed with my cankle skank flight attendent whore...will I reassure you I want to come back and that the idea of me coming back is more then a school girl fantasy? Of course not! Why would I do that? You've had faith in us and fought for us for over 4.5 years now so of course you should keep doing that even when I bailed when I lost the faith I had in us... Well Prince Charming. There is one key difference in me losing my faith now and you losing it then...When you lost yours I loved you with me whole heart, I was doing everything I could to make you happy and I tried as hard as I could to fight for you. I'm losing it now and you are dating another girl, sleeping with her, LIVING with her, and throwing it all in my face while you occasionally throw me a bone by saying it might ones day happen.

Not that you'll ever read this but NEWS FLASH: if you don't make up your mind and make  a move, I will be the one putting an end to this fairy tale. Isn't it prince charming that is supposed to fight for the princess? Why do you always make me do the fighting?


  1. I really think you should read "He's just not that into you."

    It will probably make you cry, but you deserve better and you need to realize that.

    -A Pilot's Wife

  2. Some of the chapters are:
    -He's just not that into you if he's not calling you.
    -He's just not that into you if he's not dating you.
    -He's just not that into you if he's sleeping with someone else.
    -He's just not that into you if he doesn't want to marry you.
    -He's just not that into you if he's breaking up with you.

    There is someone who is (or will) be into you. You just have to find him.

  3. Yup you don't deserve him. Never allow yourself to be someone's option. You're worthy of respect, kindness, peace, and so much more good! So don't chase a domineering, unkind, stressful relationship that's the opposite of true love. Love yourself. If he has' t considered your advice or your value as a person that's your cue to consider instead surrounding yourself with friends who do.
